Dehydrated Liquorice root (Mulethi)

Product Specifications

  • Dehydrated Liquorice root (Mulethi)
  • Granules & TBC
  • 1 Kg & 5 kg
  • Herb
  • Tea ingredients

Dehydrated Liquorice root (Mulethi):

Besides possessing number of medicinal properties, Mulethi is 50 times sweeter than sugar. Best suited in instant teas and coffees.

Physical Form

Free Flowing  Flakes ,Granules,Fibers

Manufacturing Process

Low Temperature Dehydration Technology.

Particle Size

a. 0.5-2 mm

b. 2-5 mm


< 7%


Free Flowing


TPC –< 40000 cfu/g

Coli Forms – <1000 cfu/g

Yeast &Moulds –< 100 cfu/g

E. Coli – <Absent

Salmonella – Absent.


No External Chemicals, Colors and Preservatives Added.

Fresh : Dry Ratio (approx.)


Shelf Life in Sealed, 220 gsm LD liner & HDPE outer packing

12 months

Selected Raw Material

Matured Crop from Himalaya


Typical light yellowish colour

Packing  size

1 & 5  kg

Sterilization Method

Non Sterile

Other Sensory Parameters

No External Impurities

Total Ash contents <6%

Aroma Profile

Mild typical Mulethi Flavour

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