Dehydrated Sprouted Moth Beans

Product Specifications

  • Dehydrated Sprouted Moth Beans
  • Sprouts
  • 1 Kg & 5 kg
  • Others
  • Break Fast Products Ingredients

Dehydrated Sprouted Moth Beans

Usually applied in RTC/RTE Misal, Usal, gravies and curries, behl, chaats etc.

Physical Form

Free Flowing  Beans

Manufacturing Process

Low Temperature Dehydration Technology.

Particle Size

Assorted Beans – 5-10 mm


< 7%


Free Flowing


TPC –< 40000 cfu/g

Coli Forms – <1000 cfu/g

Yeast &Moulds –< 100 cfu/g

E. Coli – <Absent

Salmonella – Absent.


No External Chemicals, Colors and Preservatives Added.

Fresh : Dry Ratio  (approx.)


Shelf Life in Sealed, 220 gsm LD liner & HDPE outer packing

12 months

Selected Raw Material

Matured,  whole, Hybrid variety from Maharashtra, Karnataka


Typical dark Moth Bean Colour

Packing  size

1 & 5  kg

Sterilization Method

Non Sterile

Other Sensory Parameters

No External Impurities

Total Ash contents <6%

Aroma Profile

Typical Light Moth Bean Flavour

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