Lemon Peel

Project details

  • Lemon Peel
  • Granules & TBC
  • 1 Kg & 5 kg
  • Vegetables
  • Tea ingredients

Lemon Peel:

Purchasing from select family farmers who farm organically because they believe in it and so we do. We are conscious of air miles and our carbon footprint so a lot of our produce comes from Egypt.

Physical FormFree Flowing  Flakes ,Granules
Manufacturing ProcessLow Temperature Dehydration Technology.
Particle Sizea. 0.5-2 mmb. 2-5 mm
Moisture< 7%
NatureFree Flowing
MicrobiologyTPC –< 40000 cfu/gColi Forms – <1000 cfu/gYeast &Moulds –< 100 cfu/gE. Coli – <AbsentSalmonella – Absent.
AdditivesNo External Chemicals, Colors and Preservatives Added.
Fresh : Dry Ratio (approx.)10:0.8
Shelf Life in Sealed, 220 gsm LD liner & HDPE outer packing12 months
Selected Raw MaterialMatured, Hybrid Crop from Maharashtra in India
ColorTypical dark Lemon colour
Packing  size1 & 5  kg
Sterilization MethodNon Sterile
Other Sensory ParametersNo External ImpuritiesTotal Ash contents <6%
Aroma ProfileLight typical Lemon Flavour
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