Nutritious Moringa with “N” Number of Health Benefits

Moringa Olifera is commonly named as the Drumstick tree. The moringa tree is native to the south of the Himalayan Mountains in northern India and grown around the world. This tree is a Magical tree whose various parts can be used widely in the diet as food and medicine. The pods / Fruits, Leaves, Roots, Mature seeds, seed oil, flowers, etc. can be used in diet i various forms. The leaves are the most nutritious and medicinal valuable part of the plant. The leaves are the significant source of the B- Vitamins, Vitamin C, pro-vitamin as beta – carotene, vitamin K, manganese and protein. Moringa is the rich source of the Calcium.
Moringa pods or Drumsticks are commonly used as vegetable for preparing Sabji as well as curry, even after cooking the they are good source of the dietary fibre, potassium, magnesium and manganese. The seeds can be used as the nuts. Seeds can be used for oil extraction. Roots can be used as the condiment with sharp flavor profile in it.

                This super food Moringa has been used as a traditional remedy in phyto-medicine and ayurvedic healing for thousands of years. The best health benefits of moringa oleifera, plus our favorite ways to add this super green to your diet:

  1. Source of Plant Based Protein :

Powders made from Moringa crushed leaves are packed with protein—3 grams of protein per tablespoon, in fact—and have a leg up on legumes because they contain all the essential amino acids, necessary for muscle repair, energy production, and mood regulation.

  1. Moringa is packed with vitamins and minerals :

Moringa leaves stick out as a super food because one cup of chopped leaves is considered a good source of iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and riboflavin and has notable amounts of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium. In fact, the leaves are more concentrated in vitamin C than oranges. That means moringa can contribute to everything from better vision and immunity to bone health and skin radiance.

  1. Protecting and nourishing skin and hair :

Moringa seed oil is beneficial for protecting hair against free radicals and keeps it clean and healthy. Moringa also contains protein, which means it is helpful in protecting skin cells from damage. It also contains hydrating and detoxifying elements, which also boost the skin and hair.

It can be successful in curing skin infections and sores.

  1. Treating edema :

Edema is a painful condition where fluid builds up in specific tissues in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa may be effective in preventing edema from developing.

  1. Protecting the liver :

Moringa appears to protect the liver against damage caused by anti-tubercular drugs and can quicken its repair process.

  1. Preventing and treating cancer :

Moringa extracts contain properties that might help prevent cancer developing. It also contains niazimicin, which is a compound that suppresses the development of cancer cells.

  1. Treating stomach complaints :

Moringa extracts might help treat some stomach disorders, such as constipation, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis. The antibiotic and antibacterial properties of moringa may help inhibit the growth of various pathogens, and its high vitamin B content helps with digestion.

  1. Fighting against bacterial diseases :

Due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, moringa extracts might combat infections caused by SalmonellaRhizopus, and E. coli.

  1. Making bones healthier :

Moringa also contains calcium and phosphorous, which help keep bones healthy and strong. Along with its anti-inflammatory properties moringa extract might help to treat conditions such as arthritis and may also heal damaged bones.

  1. Treating mood disorders :

Moringa is thought to be helpful in treating depressionanxiety, and fatigue.

  1. Protecting the cardiovascular system :

The powerful antioxidants found in Moringa extract might help prevent cardiac damage and has also been shown to maintain a healthy heart.

  1. Helping wounds to heal :

Extract of moringa has been shown to help wounds close as well as reduce the appearance of scars.

  1. Treating diabetes :

Moringa helps to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood, as well as sugar and protein in the urine. This improved the hemoglobin levels and overall protein content in those tested.

  1. Treating asthma :

Moringa may help reduce the severity of some asthma attacks and protect against bronchial constrictions. It has also been shown to assist with better lung function and breathing overall.

  1. Protecting against kidney disorders :

People may be less likely to develop stones in the kidneys, bladder or uterus if they ingest moringa extract. Moringa contains high levels of antioxidants that might aid toxicity levels in the kidneys.

  1. Reducing high blood pressure :

Moringa contains isothiocyanate and niaziminin, compounds that help to stop arteries from thickening, which can cause blood pressure to rise.

  1. Improving eye health :

Moringa contains eyesight-improving properties thanks to its high antioxidant levels. Moringa may stop the dilation of retinal vessels, prevent the thickening of capillary membranes, and inhibit retinal dysfunction.

  1. Treating anaemia and sickle cell disease :

Moringa might help a person’s body absorb more iron, therefore increasing their red blood cell count. It is thought the plant extract is very helpful in treating and preventing anemia and sickle cell disease.

Side effects of consuming Moringa:

Anyone considering using moringa is advised to discuss it with a doctor first. Moringa may possess anti-fertility qualities and is therefore not recommended for pregnant women. There have been very few side effects reported. People should always read the label on the extract and follow dosage instructions.

How to use Moringa Powder?

Made from dried and ground moringa leaves, the powder has a mild flavour with a slightly earthy taste, so it works well with many different recipes

  1. Early morning drink :

Add 1 teaspoon of Moringa powder with 200 ml of the warm water. Add little Himalayan salt to it.

  1. Moringa Smoothie :

Add it to your morning green smoothie.  Take 1 small banana, 1 teaspoon of the Moringa Powder, 2 table spoon of the honey and pinch of the Himalayan salt to taste in a mixer pot and blend it smooth. Your delicious green Moringa Smoothie is ready.

  1. Moringa Seasoning :

For lunches or other meals, it can also be sprinkled into hummus, guacamole, soups, salads, avocado toast or sweet potato toast.

  1. Value added products :

Try baking it into treats like bread, cookies, or mixed into your favourite energy balls and energy bars.

  1. Moringa Brew :

Moringa-infused teas or brews can be used with Mint or Orange. Moringa brew is very good and convenient option for taking benefit of the Moringa.

You can visit our website to see our no additive, no preservative, no colour many more Neutraceutical, Herbal, Medicinal – Tea ingredients, dehydrated fruits and vegetables powders or chunks along with “Natural  Moringa leaves powder or TBC”

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