Dehydrated Mango Opening to EU Market

Demand for Healthy Snacking Option:

The increasing demand for healthy snacking, combined with product innovation are the leading driving forces behind the growing consumer interest in dried mango in Europe. Healthy snacking a major trend that is in line with increased consumption of dried mango is healthy snacking. Consumers are searching for healthier alternatives for snacking between meals or for snacks which can replace meals. Young consumers that take more care of their general health and wellness no longer favour savoury snacks such as potato chips and other crisps. As a result, Fruit meal, nuts, as well as dried fruit are becoming increasingly popular as a snack.

European Market:

The European market for dried mango is expected to show a stable volume growth of 5-6% annually. This growth is likely to be driven by changes in the consumption patterns of European consumers, including the rising demand for healthier snacking options and a decrease in the consumption of snacks containing sugar. The United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy offer the best opportunities for developing country suppliers.

European Market; Consumer Demand:

Especially important for consumers are “clean labels” on dried fruit packs. “Clean” means that there are no additives used during the production process. Popular labels for dried mango packs are organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, “nothing added,” 100% fruit and the like. One of the new trends is the production of additive-free dried mango. The main additives used to preserve the intense original fruit colour are sulphites. Producers that do not apply sulphites, often use the claim “sulphur-free”. The problem connected with “sulphur-free” products is the darkening of the fruit which makes the fruit less appealing to consumers.

According to Market Insights, a sharp growth occurred in “low sugar”, “sugar-free”, and “no added sugar” labels, which was driven by the significant rise in natural fruit snacks. Mango is a popular exotic flavour. The flavour of mango is very popular, especially among younger consumers. According to Market Insight, global product launches incorporation of mango flavours have increased by 240% over the last ten years. Mango fits perfectly into this category and several ingredients suppliers forecast further growth for mango products. For consumers it is very important that dried mango has a similar taste as a fresh mango.

According to product specification, dried mango can be produced as natural or sweetened. These categories contain additional subcategories such as type of cut (cubes, slices, cheeks, etc.), use of preservatives (sulphites) and processing method.

Natural dried mangoes – are produced without sugar addition. This type account for the majority of the sales in Europe. They are often produced with the addition of sulphites. Sulphites are used as a preservative to prolong shelf life and to retain the intense bright yellow colour. If dried mangoes are produced as organic, sulphites cannot be used. Sweetened dried mangoes – are produced with sugar addition. They are not sold in Europe in high quantities. In Asia, it is the other way around, there sweetened dried mangoes account for most retail sales. The typical amount of sugar in dried mangoes is around 10%. This product should not be confused with candied mangoes where fruit cuts are preserved by sugar. This is a totally different type of product (candied fruit) with a 50-70% sugar content. Consumers are increasingly looking for flexible, light and convenient snacking options that they can eat on the go. According to a research by IRI, analysis of six markets – the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands – showed that consumers are searching for healthier or lighter products. With their busy lifestyle, European consumers are replacing traditional lunch breaks with healthy snacking moments.

Fruit bars with tropical fruit – across Europe, the popularity of fruit bars increased over the last several years. The main reason is the natural sweetener function of dried fruit, allowing the making of sweet products without adding sugar. Dried mango is a popular flavour in fruit bars as it provides harmonious ratio between sweetness and acidity.

As we are observing the market Trend and consumer demand is continuously increasing for the natural dehydrated Mango. It gives and very good opportunity to export the product with value addition of Mango such as Fruit Meal, Fruit bars or energy bars, in addition with Musli or Oats.

That is Dehydrated Mango can be a very good option for the Healthy snacking between the meals because of its Flavour, Colour and Taste along with the Advantage of Shelf Life Extension.

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